Mar 01, 2017It's not news to anyone that organic food is more expensive and I'm sure most of you laugh at the idea of eating a 100% organic diet. You might be wondering if organic food is really that superior to non organic food and how on earth you are meant to afford to buy everything organic!?
Well I can tell you that yes, although results are mixed, there are studies that have proven organic food is more nutritious, and in particular it can be higher in antioxidants, vitamin C, iron, phosphorous and omega 3 fatty acids. But what I think is more important is the reduced toxic load organic food has on your body. Toxicity has been associated with many health issues such as behavioural and mood disorders, reduced immunity, neurological problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, reduced fertility, increased adipose (fat) tissue and many more. I personally don't think it's a coincidence that over the past four generations when the use of artificial chemicals has risen, so have obesity rates.
One study has shown that one of the main pesticides used on our food (organophosphates), was reduced by up to 90% from just one week of organic eating!!. So for me, I choose to eat organic as much as I can because I think there are enough unavoidable toxins in our world today for our bodies natural detoxfication system to cope with. Why risk adding more to the equation, especially when there are proven detrimental health effects from toxic build up. Beside, do you really want to eat a food that’s been sprayed with chemicals toxic enough to kill living insects?
So I am a big advocate for organic food but what I suggest is to have a budget for organic food and use it wisely. Firstly, grow as much as you can in your own backyard - it's easily accessible, it's free, it's organic and best of all it tastes SO much better!
Secondly, toxins from pesticides accumulate in fatty areas so when it comes to spending money go for organic meat, dairy, nuts, seeds and oils first. With what you have left of your budget I suggest buying organic fruit and veg from the local farmers markets or find a local organic veggie delivery/co-op which tend to be cheaper. The Environmental Working Group have put together the 'dirty dozen' list below which is the top 12 foods with the highest pesticide load so it's worth trying to buy these products organic. There is also a 'clean fifteen' which lists the foods with the least traces of chemicals and pesticides so perhaps leave these as your non organic purchases if your budget doesn't cover everything.
1 Strawberries
2 Apples
3 Nectarines
4 Peaches
5 Celery
6 Grapes
7 Cherries
8 Spinach
9 Tomatoes
10 Capsicum
11 Cherry tomatoes
12 Cucumbers
1 Avocados
2 Corn
3 Pineapples
4 Cabbage
5 Sweet Pea
6 Onions
7 Asparagus
8 Mangoes
9 Papaya
10 Kiwi
11 Eggplant
12 Honeydew
13 Grapefruit
14 Cantaloupe
15 Cauliflower
For any fruit and veg your organic budget doesn't cover then simply fill your sink with filtered water, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and give them a scrub. This won't remove all pesticides but it will get rid of most of it.
If your interested in learning more about reducing your toxic load check out my 21 Day Detox Program. It involves following a detailed eating, exercise and activity plan to eliminate toxins and bring back your energetic self. The next program is starting on March 20th however limited places are available.