Sep 15, 2016This recipe came about as a throw together of ingredients I had plus a recipe from The Healthy Chef - Theresa Cutter that I wanted to try. Hers was a pumpkin loaf however I had a sweet potato left over from my organic delivery from Edi Grocer and I also had some turmeric and ginger pulp left over from making Jamu for my cooking class last weekend. I also substituted almond meal for hazelnut meal. The result is really yum if you are someone that likes a savoury loaf and I have been toasting it and enjoying with tahini, organic cultured butter, ricotta, avocado and lemon and it would also be yum with a date and cinnamon paste but that one I will have to try after my 21 Day Detox is finished!
Makes 1 loaf
450g/3 cups grated sweet potato
4 organic eggs
1 tablespoon grated fresh turmeric
1 teaspoon grated ginger
½ teaspoon salt
A pinch of black pepper
60ml olive/macadamia oil
350g almond/hazelnut meal
2 teaspoons baking powder
Preheat the oven to 160⁰C. Line a loaf tin with baking paper or grease all sides.
Combine the sweet potato, eggs, turmeric, ginger, salt, pepper and oil in a bowl. Add the almond hazelnut/meal, baking powder and mix until well combined.
Spoon into the loaf tin and bake for approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes or until the top is browned. Remove from the oven and leave in the tin to cool completely.
Store in the fridge for 1 week or freeze in slices between sheets of baking paper for up to 3 months.